Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blogs on Film

You know what I am tired of hearing and reading about? "Man Having Second Baby" or "It's My Right to Have Kid, Pregnant Man Tells Oprah". The dude is not a dude. The dude is a woman with facial hair. Facial hair does not make someone a dude. Thomas Beatie is really a woman that legally changed her name to Thomas and grew a goatee and kept her "female organs intact because she hoped to have a child some day". Just because you legally change something and put a mask on does not change the plumbing - you know what I mean?

Let's look at this from another angle; there are plenty of women out there that look like men that have offspring. They aren't going around saying "Look at me, I'm a pregnant man". Why? Because they aren't. I'm not saying these women are homely or disgusting - I'm just saying they might have a few more masculine features than some men - but below the waistline and above the quads, they are as female as Heidi Klum

Take for example a grenade - if I legally name my grenade "Milk Shake" and put a straw in it, does that make it a milk shake? Well, using the logic that various news outlets are using by calling Thomas a "he/him/man", yes - this would make my grenade a milk shake. I like milk shakes, and there is nothing milk shakey about a grenade with a straw in it. Actually that is not true, I take that back. If you were to compare a milk shake from the Kenilworth Diner on the Boulevard to a grenade, they do have something in common. They both will blow your mind (chocolate or vanilla, both are tremendous).

Note from publisher: Sorry for the publishing delay "M'lady was busy with the kids."


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for your Men on Film reference. I thought I was the only one who remembered that show. I give your blog "Two snaps and a twist."

And hey, I'm on your blog up thar in the corner. Thanks!

Unknown said...