Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Blogs Are Back In Town

I took a break...and now I'm back. I recently retired from my job and found myself with a lot more time on my hands - so posting will be back on track. Although I am retired, unlike T.I. I do not have rubber band banks in my pocket, but YOU can have whatever you like.

What I like about being retired is that I no longer need to be careful of writing something that will offend my co-workers since we are no longer co-workers I can take the gloves off. When I was writing before it was like being the wrapper on a condom - my words were super insulated from the real world. But now I can take the wrapper off and throw away the rubber and enjoy the splendor of my thoughts in all their rawness.

So what have I been doing? Working out, training for a marathon, and looking for a new job. In addition I have been cleaning the hell out of our house. Our local hardware store was selling cheap storage containers so everything is now stackable in our basement.

This is a short post and not that funny - but I wanted to tell you that I am back. Write you later gator.